Gum Recession: Causes and Symptoms
Today, let’s explore the reasons behind gum recession. Gum recession is a condition where the gums pull back or wear away from the teeth, potentially leading to significant impact on dental health. When gum recession occurs, the roots of the teeth become exposed, which can result in pain, inflammation, infection, and even tooth loss. Therefore, preventing gum recession and seeking early treatment if it occurs are crucial.
What is Gum Recession?
Gum recession (gingival recession) refers to the phenomenon where the gum tissue recedes or moves away from the root portion of the tooth, leading to exposure of the tooth roots and a decrease in gum thickness and health.
Causes of Gum Recession
Periodontal Disease | Poor Oral Hygiene Habits | Smoking |
Bruxism | Certain Medical Conditions | Genetic Factors |
Gum recession can be prevented and managed by improving oral hygiene habits, regular dental check-ups, and seeking advice and necessary treatments from dental professionals.
Symptoms of Gum Recession
Symptoms of gum recession (gingival recession) may include bleeding gums, redness and swelling of the gums, white or yellow plaque on the gums, formation of silent pockets in the gums, gum recession, tooth movement or looseness, widening gaps between teeth, and oral odor reminiscent of sweet potatoes. Early stages of gum disease may exhibit mild symptoms, but vigilance is essential.
Treatment for Gum Recession
The most common cause of gum recession, which is the buildup of plaque and tartar on the teeth, can be addressed through scaling and gum treatment to remove inflammation and restore gum health. In severe cases, gum grafting or gum regeneration procedures may be necessary. Treatment for gum recession varies based on the cause and severity, so it’s important to consult a dentist for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.
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