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Exploring the Hiking Trails of Wolchulsan Mountain in Yeongam, Jeollanam-do

Today, let’s delve into all the hiking trails of Wolchulsan Mountain located in Yeongam, Jeollanam-do. We will introduce three courses namely Geureumdaegyo (Cloud Bridge), Jongju to Baram Waterfall, and Gyeongpodae Area to Cheonhwang Area with detailed hiking information from parking to public transportation options.

Geureumdaegyo (Cloud Bridge) Course

The Geureumdaegyo course allows hikers to cross the iconic Cloud Bridge of Wolchulsan Mountain, offering a relatively short hiking experience.

  • Key Features: Enjoy a refreshing hike from Cheonhwang Tamnon Entrance to Cheonhwangsa Temple, passing through a reconstructed temple and finally reaching the Cloud Bridge.
  • Weather Forecast: Check the expected weather conditions before starting the Geureumdaegyo course.
  • Parking: Find parking facilities near Wolchulsan National Park Information Center.

월출산 모든 등산 코스 👈 클릭

Jongju to Baram Waterfall Course

The Jongju to Baram Waterfall course offers stunning views of the Salt River of Honam and the rocky cliffs of Wolchulsan.

  • Key Features: Traverse the challenging terrain from Cheonhwangbong to Gujeongbong, encountering unique rock formations and the famous Eulalia grass fields.
  • Weather Forecast: Plan your hike along the Jongju course with weather predictions in mind.
  • Parking: Check out the designated parking areas near Cheonhwang Area for your convenience.

Gyeongpodae Area to Cheonhwang Area Course

Explore the beautiful valley of Geumryong Gyeongpodae, which is known for its easy hiking path suitable for all levels.

Easy hiking path through Gyeongpodae to Cheonhwangsa Area.

Don’t miss checking the upcoming weather before embarking on the Gyeongpodae to Cheonhwangsa Area course.


In conclusion, exploring the diverse hiking trails of Wolchulsan Mountain in Yeongam, Jeollanam-do offers a unique outdoor experience suitable for hikers of all levels. Whether you choose the Cloud Bridge, Jongju to Baram Waterfall, or Gyeongpodae to Cheonhwang Area course, each path promises breathtaking views and a connection with nature.

자주 묻는 질문 FAQ

질문 1. 월출산 등산로에는 주차장이 있나요?

네, 월출산 등산로 입구에 무료 주차장이 마련되어 있습니다. 주말이나 공휴일에는 주차 공간이 부족할 수 있으니 이 점 참고해 주세요.

질문 2. 대중교통으로 월출산을 가려면 어떤 방법이 있나요?

지하철 3호선 남양주역에서 34번 버스를 타고 ‘월출산입구’ 정류장에서 하차하시면 됩니다. 버스 이용 시간과 간격은 불규칙할 수 있으니 미리 시간을 확인하시는 것이 좋습니다.

질문 3. 대중교통을 이용해 월출산으로 갈 때 교통편은 무엇이 있나요?

남양주 시내에서 출발하는 5-1번, 5-2번 마을버스도 월출산 입구에서 하차할 수 있는 옵션입니다. 다만, 버스 운행 시간이 짧을 수 있으니 시간을 확인하고 이용하시기 바랍니다.